To maintain your Zimmerlinde - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 beliebte Zimmerpflanzen erfolgreich vermehren – so einfach geht’s! 🌱 Stecklinge schneiden
Video: 9 beliebte Zimmerpflanzen erfolgreich vermehren – so einfach geht’s! 🌱 Stecklinge schneiden


Only well-maintained Zimmerlinden bloom

To maintain your Zimmerlinde - tips and tricks

The Zimmerlinde is not difficult to maintain, but also not very modest. If she is too dark, then she does not bloom and loses her leaves. Particularly attractive are young room linden until the age of about four years.

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Plant the Zimmerlinde

The Zimmerlinde makes no special demands on the soil, it only needs normal potting soil, but also grows well in hydroponics. As it grows quite fast, it should be repotted regularly in the spring.

The right location

In a wrong location the Zimmerlinde reacts quite sensitively, losing its leaves and not blooming. She likes it bright but slightly shady and not too warm (ideal are up to 15 ° C). In the midday sun their leaves burn easily. In summer, the Zimmerlinde enjoys a bright sun-sheltered and sheltered place in the garden.

Cast linden trees and fertilize

In summer, the house linden wants to be poured frequently and abundantly and get a dose of fertilizer once or twice a week. In winter, sparing watering and a little bit of fertilizer every three weeks is enough. Waterlogging should be prevented at all times.

Zimmerlinden really overwinter

In winter the Zimmerlinde range from about 5 ° C to 10 ° C. It needs much less water, but reduce the amount slowly. In dry heating air can easily fall off the lower leaves of the Zimmerlinde.

Multiply room linden

It is best to multiply roomlinden by vigorous cuttings in spring or summer. If you use blown shoots, then it will most likely be blooming lindens again.

The essentials in brief:


If your Zimmerlinde always look good, then pull in time young plants to replace the old Zimmerlinde if necessary.