The beguiling smell of lilies

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Not all lilies smell

The beguiling smell of lilies

With playful elegance, the lilies come to their heyday. Each variety has its own charm. Their scent is unforgettable and beguiling for some people. Others do not like him at all. But which lilies smell and how can their smell be described?

Not all lilies smell

There are many types and varieties of lilies. Not all of them emit a smell perceptible to us. When lilies smell, the fragrance emanates from the scars and dust pollen of their flowers.

Fragrant lilies - a wide selection

Especially the white-flowering royal lily is known for its intense scent. In addition, many lily friends know that the madonna lily smells. Its scent is lighter than that of the royal lily and reminiscent of honey. Furthermore, the Goldbandlilie is known for its strong fragrance.

But are these all fragrance lilies? No, here is a selection of the most common lilies with a perceptible odor:

How can you describe the typical smell of lilies?

The typical lily smell is sweet, exotic and can be described as heavenly. But it varies in variety from species to variety. In the evenings, it can best be noticed.

Especially when fragrant lilies are planted on seats, for example on the garden pond, on the balcony or in front of the terrace, it is wonderful to inhale the scent deep in the evening. An unforgettable summer night is guaranteed. And by the way: the smell has an aphrodisiac effect on men ...

A smell that not everyone likes

The lily smell is a matter of taste. While some people fall for him, others flee from him. Some people get headaches or complain of nausea when a fragrance lily is in the room. For people who do not like the smell of lilies, there are the odorless specimens such as the fire lily or the tiger lily.

Tips & Tricks

A lily, for example, as a cut flower from the florist in the living room can fill the entire room. Just smell the flowers when you buy them, whether their smell appeals to you or not.