Detect pests of the pine and fight

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 4 July 2024
Fighting the Invasive Stinkbug | National Geographic
Video: Fighting the Invasive Stinkbug | National Geographic


Small caterpillars can cause great damage to the jaw

Detect pests of the pine and fight

The pine is a true survivalist as a so-called Pioneer Tree. Thanks to its amazing adaptability, it grows in almost every location in the northern hemisphere. However, the conifer has not yet developed a protective mechanism against some pests. In an infestation, he is therefore dependent on your help. As with any disease, early detection plays an important role in successful treatment. For this reason, the following article shows you the symptoms of the most common pests on pines and gives useful tips to fix them.

Common pests of the pine

More and more pines Pests are introduced due to globalization by humans. Most of the species come from America but are now threatening many European forests. Among them are numerous species of bark beetle, such as

In addition, butterflies like

They like to have their eggs on the pine needles. Their caterpillars then feed on the wood, causing their jaws to die slowly and gradually.
Also wasps like

or other bugs like

have the jaws to the sorrow of many gardeners to their food source explained.
However, the pests mentioned are considered relatively harmless. The following parasites, on the other hand, are a serious threat:


Nuns have a particularly high incidence after dry, hot summers. They then multiply explosively. An infestation can often help your jaw to recover. Unfortunately, it is often not there, so that a renewed feeding of the branches leads to the death of the tree. Forestry are allowed to combat special crop protection products. For private use, however, these are not allowed.


Fortunately, this pest remains far away from the forests of Germany so far. However, a local distribution would have serious consequences and would destroy a large part of the coniferous forests.

How to proceed in the event of a pest infestation

Small animals are not always harmful to your jaw. That's why you should never act prematurely.