This is how it works with zebra herb care

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
How I repotted my Zebra Haworthia
Video: How I repotted my Zebra Haworthia


With good care, the zebra herb spreads quickly

This is how it works with zebra herb care

The non-toxic zebra herb is a subspecies of the so-called three-masted flower, which is often cultivated as a traffic light plant due to the attractively colored leaves and delicate flowers. Under suitable conditions, the plant can easily grow long tendrils.

How often should the zebra herb be poured?

The zebra herb comes from relatively dry areas in Central America and does not need a lot of water. Although you should provide the zebra herb regularly (about once a week) with some water, between the watering the substrate may be on the surface zebra herb but dry thoroughly. A relatively high humidity favors the flowering of the zebra herb, so occasional spraying of the leaves with lime-free, temperate water is recommended.

What should be considered when repotting the zebra herb?

The zebra herb does not necessarily have to be repotted when cultivating in a sufficiently large pot. Every two to three years, repotting is recommended in terms of a substrate exchange: In loose, nutrient-rich soil, the plant can grow particularly well.

When and how should the zebra herb be cut?

Basically, the zebra herb does not actually cut at all. In the following cases, a pruning is quite possible and relatively unproblematic:

The zebra herb sometimes grows only suboptimal when it is directly in full sun or due to lack of nutrients forms only a few leaves. After remedying the respective site and care problems, a pruning can mark the start time for fresh, more satisfactory growth.

Which pests infest the zebra herb?

As with other varieties of the three-masted flower, it can occasionally come to an aphid infestation. However, these can easily be combated with suitable beneficial organisms or simply removed mechanically.

How can the zebra herb be protected from disease?

Zebra herb is generally not very susceptible to disease. On the other hand, a spontaneously occurring loss of leaves may be more indicative of incorrect doses of water and fertilizer, as well as a location that is too sunny or too cold.

What should be considered when fertilizing the zebra herb?

The zebra herb has only a very low nutrient requirement during the winter rest phase. Between spring and autumn, about every two weeks some liquid fertilizer can be administered with the irrigation water.

Is the zebra herb winter proof?

The commercial varieties of Zebra herb are indeed during the summer months quite a limited trip to a partially shaded place outdoors, but in winter, the plant should be wintered at least 12 to 15 degrees in a bright place in the house.


In order to achieve a bushy appearance in a traffic light plantation, about 10 to 15 rooted cuttings can be planted in a pot.