How to properly plant a perennial garden - tips for planning and planting

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips for Planting a Cottage Garden! 🌸🌿// Garden Answer
Video: Tips for Planting a Cottage Garden! 🌸🌿// Garden Answer


Delphinium makes a good figure as Leitpflanze in the perennial garden

How to properly plant a perennial garden - tips for planning and planting

If your perennial garden thrives on the seasons, you have done everything right. On the way there, it depends on the right preparation, a wise plant selection and skilful planting technique. How to do it, learn here.

Choose theme and create plan - That's how it works

The local site conditions determine significantly which shrubs thrive in your garden healthy and vital. Nevertheless, the design theme for your perennial garden is not firmly cemented. Rather, you can draw from a diverse fund of creative leitmotifs for all light and ground conditions. The following selections introduce you to popular examples:

Create a detailed plan sketch detailing specific site qualities to coordinate plant selection. Integrate further design elements into the planning, such as small water worlds, seats or a gazebo.

It all depends on the mix - tips for a creative variety blend

For every garden theme and every area of ​​life is a huge pool of suitable perennials ready. So that your perennial garden does not become a disorderly hodgepodge of plants, we recommend the following structuring:

A flowering calendar ensures that the perennials seamlessly pass the floral scepter to each other. As a rule of thumb, a plant density of 6 to 8 perennials per square meter has been proven in practice. We recommend a distribution of 10 to 15 percent Leitstauden, 30 to 40 percent accompanying perennials and 50 to 60 percent Füllstauden.

Plant perennials skillfully - tips on planting time and planting techniques

Best season for perennials is the fall. In the sun-warmed soil young plants rooted quickly, so that next spring they start with a vital growth advantage. Rake the soil thoroughly, carefully remove stones, roots and weeds. Meanwhile, put the still potted root ball in water. With the plan sketch in hand, first plant the perennials in the garden to assess the appearance.

If the arrangement of the plants fulfills your expectations, raise the plant pits with twice the volume of the root ball. In it you plant the stuffed perennials, press the earth with your hands and water.


Prepare the garden soil for your perennial garden, effectively prevent annoying weeds already. If you move a weed fleece during this phase of preparation, you will rarely end up dandelion, greedy, or similar.