Maintain the robust Zamioculcas properly

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 quick tips Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ plant
Video: 5 quick tips Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ plant


The Zamioculcas needs little attention

Maintain the robust Zamioculcas properly

Zamioculcas zamiifolia, also referred to as a lucky spring, is an impressive, up to 150 centimeters high awake houseplant. The plant originating from the African tropics is regarded as extremely frugal and forgives almost all care mistakes. Whether you frequently forget about watering or fertilizing, do not repot the plant or make it too dark: the lucky feather still thrives. Only waterlogging should be avoided.

Early article flowering of Zamioculcas appears only very rarely Next article With too much water Zamioculcas gets yellow leaves

Which location is optimal for Zamioculcas?

Basically, Zamioculcas gets along well with any location, as long as the plant does not have to stand in the hot midday sun. It is best to have a half-shady spot with morning or evening sun. The brighter the lucky feather is, the brighter its leaves become and the faster it grows.

In which substrate does the lucky spring feel particularly well?

Wrap your Zamioculcas in either palm or compost soil.

Which temperature should prevail at the location?

As it is a tropical plant, the temperature should not be lower than 16 ° C. In summer, temperatures of about 20 ° C are optimal, with the Zamioculcas can also be on the balcony or terrace in this season and in dry weather. In winter, the room temperature should be slightly lower to allow the plant a break.

How often should you water Zamioculcas?

Zamioculcas should be kept moist evenly. Whenever the top layer of substrate has dried off, pour only moderately. Waterlogged gets the plant not at all. In winter, less water is needed.

When and with what will Zamioculcas be fertilized?

Fertilize your "Zamie" about every four weeks with a liquid green plant fertilizer, unless you have just repotted the plant in fresh substrate. Then wait six to eight weeks for the first fertilizer. In winter, a supply of nutrients is not necessary.

How often is the lucky feather repotted?

Depending on the growth, Zamioculcas should be repotted every two to three years. They recognize the right time to do this because the rhizomes are growing out of the pot. Use pots that are broad rather than deep to pare, as the roots tend to be broader.

Can Zamioculcas be multiplied?

Zamioculcas can be propagated very well by leaf cuttings and, in the course of potting, by division.

Which diseases and pests should be taken care of?

In very dry and warm indoor air, it can happen that the lucky feather is attacked by pests such as the red spider or spider mites. Therefore, ensure that there is sufficient air humidity, for example by frequent airing and occasional spraying with water. If, however, the leaves of the plant turn yellow, they are too wet and they are prone to fibrillating. Transplant the Lucky Feather into fresh substrate, ensure good drainage and pour less.

May one occasionally cut back Zamioculcas?

A pruning is absolutely not recommended. If the Zamioculcas becomes too big over time, a division is recommended instead.


Zamioculcas zamiifolia belongs to the arum family and as such is slightly poisonous.