What to do if the bamboo has yellow leaves?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lucky bamboo leaves yellowing : How to fix it
Video: Lucky bamboo leaves yellowing : How to fix it


What to do if the bamboo has yellow leaves?

In general, the bamboo is considered a fast-awake, robust and undemanding plant for indoors and outdoors - provided one knows his needs and gives him the proper care. Why does bamboo turn its leaves yellow in autumn, even though it is one of the evergreens?

Depending on the species of bamboo, the yellowing and the later, partly leaf fall in autumn is different. Nevertheless, you should not worry about it. Your bamboo does not suffer and suffers from no shortage. He just prepares for the coming cold time in winter. For this he frees himself from a part of his foliage. As soon as the first autumn storm blows the yellow leaves, it shines again fresh green. Do not worry, but enjoy the autumnal golden yellow leaf color.

Causes of yellow leaves in spring and summer

You should take a closer look at bamboo plants when the leaves turn yellow in spring or summer. Two bad causes that can be responsible for it:

Waterlogging leaves the leaves turn yellow

If there is too much waterlogging, the roots will rot and the leaves will turn yellow. Now, as with brown leaves on bamboo, act immediately is duty. Remove the plant from the vessel or soil. The soil needs a loosening and a drainage. Even a raised hillside can sometimes help quickly. When bamboo in the pot or as a container plant, check the openings for the water drainage and clean if blocked.

Yellow leaves as a result of chlorosis

Acute nutrient deficiency, such as insufficient iron, magnesium, nitrogen or even salinisation of the soil can cause chlorosis. Here helps a targeted fertilizer and an exchange of bamboo soil.

Yellow leaves on the room bamboo

Also on Zimmerbambus yellow leaves indicate too much moisture. If the irrigation water does not drain, the roots rot in the flower pot. It is best to pot the plant and search the roots for dark, rotten spots. If available, use a clean knife to cut them down to their healthy, bright roots.

Then plant the bamboo with fresh soil or humus. A partially shaded sun place supports the regeneration of the plant. At the latest in the next growing season in the spring sprout new shoots and a fresh green leaves dress.

If you want to do something good for your bamboo plants, treat them occasionally with a shower or spray them. Because the bamboo absorbs a lot of moisture over the leaves. In addition, a shower frees of dust and vermin. Make sure that the undersides of the leaves are sufficiently showered.

Tips & Tricks

Fertilize newly acquired bamboo plants after one year. As a rule, the plants are pre-fertilized and have been supplied by the breeder with all the important nutrients.