Seal the yucca palm after pruning

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to cut back and multiply yucca palms - foolproof gardener’s guide
Video: How to cut back and multiply yucca palms - foolproof gardener’s guide


After clipping, it makes sense to seal the interface of the palmlilie

Seal the yucca palm after pruning

The yucca, which belongs to the family of the agave family, can grow up to five meters even in the pot culture with good care. However, as living rooms rarely have ceilings at this height, pruning is essential. The same is true, by the way, if the Yucca only long and thin shoots forms - then it gets too little light and must be cut. Afterwards, she is again stronger and healthier - assuming, of course, she gets a new, brighter location.

Cut the yucca and seal the cut surfaces

The cutting of the yucca palm tree is basically quite simple: with the help of a sharp knife (ideally a bread knife with a fine saw edge) or a saw you first cut off the crown and finally cut the tree into pieces at least ten centimeters long - up to the height at which you want to leave the mother plant.

After a few weeks to months (sometimes it takes a bit of patience) you can see from the newly developing shoots, that roots must have formed.

Why the sealing makes sense

Basically, the sealing is not really necessary and can be omitted - the plant will still drive out. However, their upper end will look rather ugly in this case, as the open wound dries and cracks can form. The new shoots will most likely appear below the cut surface. The wax prevents the stump from drying and also ensures that no fungal spores and other pathogens can penetrate.


Always wear gloves when cutting and handling the yucca - the leaves are often serrated and can be very sharp.