Yucca is very easy to multiply

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
multiplier ses yuccas
Video: multiplier ses yuccas


The propagation of the yucca palm is very simple

Yucca is very easy to multiply

Yuccas or palm trees are a genus of plants from the asparagus family.It is a whole range of different species, of which the two best known are probably the yucca filamentosa, also known as garden yucca, and the yucca elephantipes, which are primarily cultivated as indoor plants. Both species are considered to be easy to maintain and can be easily replanted.

Previous article Which Yucca palm is hardy?

Propagation of Yucca elephantipes by cutting off

Yucca elephantipes is very prolific and reproduces reliably from various cut plant parts. No matter if you cut the trunk or cut cuttings, they will most likely take root quickly. The easiest way to propagate is by dividing the plant, which has become too large for example, by cutting the trunk into pieces. Even broken plants can often be saved in this way. The best time for the rooting of the individual plant pieces is the spring or the early summer - at this time, the plant is particularly set to grow. You can proceed with the propagation as follows:

If the leaves turn yellow and dry and / or parts of the stem soften, remove them and try re-rooting them.

Propagation of Yucca filamentosa

Also, the filamentous palmlilie or garden yucca can be easily reproduced. In particular, the duplication by division and the planting of the offshoot is promising. Some gardening friends were also able to propagate the plant by sowing seeds they had collected themselves.

Share Garden Yucca

Yucca filamentosa can be very broad, which is why a division of large become copies wonderful offers. Simply dig the plant carefully with the help of a grave fork and divide into the desired number of plants. Make sure that the sensitive roots are damaged as little as possible.

Win offspring and plant

Practically, the Garden Yucca forms numerous offshoots that need only be separated from the mother plant, dug up and planted separately.

Caring for the garden yucca

Older garden yuccas are hardy to minus 15 ° C and can therefore easily stay out in milder winters. Young specimens and potted Yucca filamentosa, however, should initially be cool, but frost-free and bright overwinter. The plants should be hardened slowly, so that after a few years they are finally planted in the garden.


Sometimes you need to be patient enough to see the first shoots appear on the truncated trunk of a Yucca elephantipes.