Yucca Palm - Maintaining the popular houseplant

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Care For A Yucca Plant | Apartment Therapy
Video: How To Care For A Yucca Plant | Apartment Therapy


The yucca palm is very easy to care for

Yucca Palm - Maintaining the popular houseplant

The yucca palm - despite its trivial name - does not belong to the palms, but to the asparagus plants. The very popular and easy-to-maintain houseplant is easily recognized by the thick trunk and the leaf clumps grown from it with the broad, up to half a meter long leaves. Often, the plant is also referred to as a palmlilie, which is actually not a single plant species, but some closely related species. However, these are very similar both in their appearance and in their claims.

Next article Yucca Palm: What parts of plants can you cut off?

Which location does the palm tree prefer?

Yucca palm trees need a bright location. The plants are always oriented towards the sun, which is why specimens that are too dark do not stand upright, but grow crooked and also go awry. You can also put the plants in the direct sun, but you must first get used to it slowly - otherwise there are unsightly burns on the leaves. The hot and intense midday sun, especially during the summer months, should be avoided.

In which substrate does the yucca palm feel particularly good?

The yucca palm in particular feels very well in a loose, well drained and above all nutritious substrate. You can use unit earth, but green plant substrate works well too. Those who prefer to mix themselves, uses normal garden soil with some humus and sand. But even more important is a good drainage in the form of expanded clay or potsherds, as the yucca palm tolerates absolutely no waterlogging. On the other hand, the plant can also be excellently kept in a hydroponic culture.

What should be the ideal planter for a yucca palm?

It is best to pot a freshly purchased yucca palm, because the plant pots that are sold are usually too small. The plant develops quite strong roots, which is why the pot should be rather high than wide. However, do not choose too narrow a vessel, because this can quickly tip over because of the dead weight of the plant.

Is it allowed to cultivate the yucca palm tree outside?

During the warm summer months, you can put the pot plant not only in the apartment, but also on a warm and bright spot on the balcony or terrace, but preferably not in the blazing sun. However, since the yucca palm is not hardy, you should spend the cold season better in the apartment or conservatory. Sometimes hardy yucca species are also available in the trade, which can also be planted in the garden in regions with mild winters.

What should you watch out for when casting the yucca palm?

Yucca palm trees are usually overpowered rather than underpowered. Always keep the substrate slightly moist and first do a finger test before each wash: The soil should feel dry to a depth of about two centimeters. Do not pour, but only a little.Excess irrigation water should be removed from the coaster immediately to prevent waterlogging.

How often and with what one should fertilize the Palmlilie?

During the growing season between April and October, fertilize the yucca palm approximately every two weeks with a well-balanced fertilizer for green plants. The best solution is a liquid fertilizer, which is administered together with the irrigation water. If you forget to fertilize more often, you can also use slow-release fertilizer.

Is it allowed to cut back the palm leaf?

Basically, a pruning is not necessary. However, if the yucca palm is too big, you can also cut the trunk or the trunks. In general, the plant will drive out of it again. But do not forget to close the cuts with a sealant - so bacteria and other pathogens can not come up there.

When should you repot the yucca palm?

The plant should always be repotted when the roots are already threatening to grow out of the plant pot. The best time to do so is spring.

Which diseases and pests are particularly common in the yucca palm?

Most of the diseases occur in the palmlilie during the winter months, when the plant is weakened by too warm and dark wintering. The problems are usually due to too little light and / or too much water. In contrast, pests often occur in spring or early summer, for example, spider mites or wool or lice.

Can one also multiply the Palmlilie?

Many yucca palms, especially if they are older, usually form so-called Kindel at the root base. These are offshoots that can only be removed carefully from the mother plant and then planted separately.

What is the best way to overwinter the yucca palm?

The yucca palm trees sold as houseplants are not frost hardy, but best overwinter bright and cool at about 10 ° C. You can of course leave the plants in the warm living room, but then should provide enough light.


Whether the yucca palm is poisonous or not, there is disagreement. In the literature it is described as generally harmless, however, veterinarians from time to time report symptoms of intoxication in some pets. These apparently appear mainly in rodents such as rabbits, guinea pigs, etc. The plant contains saponins, which may cause the symptoms of intoxication. So if you have pets, you better play it safe and cultivate the yucca palm out of reach of the animals or not at all.