If the yucca palm is bent, it has different causes

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Beware! The dangers of the Yucca plant.
Video: Beware! The dangers of the Yucca plant.


Bent branches can be replanted as cuttings

If the yucca palm is bent, it has different causes

Basically, the yucca "palm" - which is actually no palm at all - is a fairly easy-to-maintain and uncomplicated plant. Nevertheless, there are so many care mistakes, as a result, she reacts with a kinking of either the tribe or the still green shoots. In most cases, the plant can be saved, for example by cutting off the still healthy parts and rooting them as cuttings.

Too much or too little water

If the shoots or even the trunk softens, kinks, and even looks rotten, then you've probably overpopulated. Yuccas do not tolerate high humidity and react when wet with decay, which always wanders from the bottom up. Only cut off the above-ground, rotten shoots, so will not bring much. Instead, you must pot the plants, the roots at this stage will probably be beyond saving. Cut off the healthy parts of the plant and root them in a pot with potting soil or peat-free potting soil. If, on the other hand, the shoots have merely broken off, without the appearance of rot in any form, you have not watered enough.

Too little light - weak growth

Too little light leads to weak growth in the Yucca and as a result the trunk can not support the heavy leaf crown and therefore kinks. Always put the yucca in front of a window, but not in the blazing sun. If the sill is too narrow for a larger plant, you should place it on a table or similar in front of it. In the summer, the yucca also feels very comfortable on the balcony.

Lack of supply of nutrients

If the yucca is fertilized too little or rarely or not at all reposted in fresh substrate, then the lack of supply of nutrients also leads to soft, weak shoots and thus to a kinking of the plant. Fertilize the yucca regularly with a liquid green plant fertilizer and turn it into fresh substrate every two to three years.


Cracked or accidentally broken plant parts of the yucca can be easily rooted by placing the pieces in a pot with potting soil or a mixture of peat-free potting soil and some sand and keep it slightly moist.