The multiplication of clover

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: The Black Clover Power System Explained!


Clover is easy to propagate through seeds

The multiplication of clover

The genus Klee (Trifolium) belongs to the legume or legumes. These plants are generally relatively easy to grow, provided that the site conditions at the selected location are correct.

Early article Clover in the garden: Information about flowering time

Propagation by sowing

In the meadow or red clover (Trifolium pratense), the hard-shelled seeds usually remain germinable for up to ten years and, under certain conditions, even for more than 100 years. In nature and in meadows with mixed grass and clover, the seeds of red clover are also spread by grass-eaters, earthworms and ants. Since clover does not usually spontaneously self-pollinate, pollination by bumblebees is important for high seed yield. The best time for sowing red and white clover would be from March to May or even in August. The soil should be as level as possible when sowing, and the seed depth should not exceed 1 to 2 cm.

The vegetative propagation

The red or meadow clover stretches its up to 2 m long roots deeply rooted in the soil, which is why it provides a particularly valued green manure for a loosening of compacted soil. As the red clover forms subterranean foothills, it increases spontaneously in a vegetative manner. Therefore, it is also easy to harvest offshoots by knocking out individual specimens from the bed. In the case of white clover, a vegetative propagation takes place, but this takes place above the soil. Thus, white creepers form creeping creepers on the sides, forming new roots at their points of support. Since the newly rooted shoots are significantly stronger than seedlings of seed, the firm white clover can also be used well as lawn replacement. In general, these types of clover are:

Simply grow lucky clover by yourself

If you have been given lucky clover on New Year's Eve, you can first cultivate it in the pot in the house and then put it up on the terrace or in the garden in the spring. The lucky clover is relatively easy to multiply by dividing the plant. But you have to get the lucky clover back to your apartment in time for the fall because the lucky clover, which belongs to the genus Oxalis, is not completely hardy, unlike many Trifolium clover species.


If the clover you have cultivated in your garden bed has not yet reached the desired growth density, then you should check the growing conditions at the site or maybe just seize with clover seeds.