Yucca filamentosa - location, care, propagation, cutting

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
The Correct Way of Propagating Yucca Cuttings
Video: The Correct Way of Propagating Yucca Cuttings


The Yucca filamentosa is extremely easy to clean

Yucca filamentosa - location, care, propagation, cutting

The filamentous palmlilie (yucca filamentosa), also known as garden yucca, can be found in many gardens. Between June and July, the asparagus plant impresses with its up to two meter high inflorescences, which are equipped with numerous white, bell-like flowers. The native of North America Zimmeryucca relatives is hardy and is considered very easy to maintain.

Which location does the Garden Yucca prefer?

Yucca filamentosa prefers a bright, warm and sheltered location, like in the full sun. The plant is very heat loving and thrives best on a sunny, south facing spot in front of a wall or house wall.

In which soil does the Yucca filamentosa feel particularly comfortable?

The soil should be loose and well drained. Yucca filamentosa likes to like calcareous soil and thrives on a rather stony ground.

Do you have to water a planted yucca filamentosa?

Basically, unplanted specimens do not need to be cast, only during prolonged periods of drought could it be necessary to reach for a watering can. Use calcareous irrigation water.

When and how often should you fertilize the yucca filamentosa?

The garden yucca needs only once a year, at best, at the time of the first sprouting in the spring, be fertilized. Use whole fertilizer, compost, even mixed vegetable or pond water. A garden yucca in a bucket does not need to be fertilized at all, as long as it is repotted annually into fresh substrate.

Is it allowed to cut the yucca filamentosa?

A pruning is basically not necessary. Only the flowering flower shoots as well as damaged and dried leaves should be removed immediately.

How can the yucca filamentosa be propagated?

The easiest way to increase propagation by offshoot, which must be separated only from the mother plant and planted separately. Duplication by seed or division of larger plants is also possible.

Which diseases and pests typically attack the Yucca filamentosa?

With proper care and a good location the Gartenyucca is very robust. Frequently, fungal diseases such as root rot caused by waterlogging or leaf spot disease are a problem. Otherwise, the Yucca filamentosa is mainly attacked by thrips or scale insects.

How many degrees is the yucca filamentosa hardy?

Minature degrees of up to -15 ° C, the Fädige Palmlilie usually survives easily. However bucket specimens belong for a cool and bright wintering in the house or another shelter.

How to prepare the Yucca filamentosa for the winter?

Especially young garden cucumbers are still relatively sensitive and need winter protection.


Bear in mind that the garden yucca needs a lot of space. In addition, the plant has very sharp leaves on which it is easy to cut.