Desire happy: The perfect location for lady's mantle

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Desire happy: The perfect location for lady's mantle - Garden
Desire happy: The perfect location for lady's mantle - Garden


Desire happy: The perfect location for lady's mantle

Whether in the pot on the terrace, in the balcony box or outdoors in natural gardens and cottage gardens - there are many areas where the lady's mantle can find a home. But he does not feel in good hands everywhere. Which location claims does he have?

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The location - a wide range

The origin of the women's mantle lies in southeastern Europe and western Asia. Consequently, he wants a location that mimics the local conditions. But do not worry: the claims are easy to fulfill. Lady's mantle is extremely adaptable and can cope with both sunny, half-shady and shady locations.

Since Lady's mantle can not make friends with either heat or dryness, you should avoid planting in direct south stretches and in a perfectly sheltered place. On the other hand, he can make friends with neighbors such as roses, lavender, begonias and bluebells ...

Requirements for the substrate

The leaves of the lady's mantle are large and evaporate a lot of water. For this reason, the plant needs a permanently fresh to moist environment in the soil. Ideal locations are therefore located, for example, on the edge of streams and rivers as well as on the garden pond. A permanently moist soil will later guarantee high crop yields - if you want to harvest it.

Other features that the floor should or may have are the following:

Tips & Tricks

Plant the lady's mantle in a location where weeds are unwelcome and you find it disturbing. Through its dense growth, wild herbs are suppressed and expelled. The result: The maintenance effort is lower.