Does Ysop need a regular cut?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hyssop Vs Anise Hyssop
Video: Hyssop Vs Anise Hyssop


After cutting, the hyssop can be dried

Does Ysop need a regular cut?

Ysop is a very easy to use spice plant. Important for the good growth of the aromatic herb are: sunny location, dry, calcareous soil and regular cut, executed in spring or autumn.

Early article Ysop - an easy-to-clean spice herb Next article Ysop is versatile

Ysop is mainly known from the Mediterranean cuisine. Meanwhile, it can also be found in the local gardens more and more often. He also enriches the typical German food, such as potato salad, roast or soups. Ysop is easy to grow and easy to maintain. The seeds are available at a very affordable price in online shops or in the garden center around the corner.

General care instructions

For the good growth of hyssop plants in the garden, only a few care rules have to be taken into account:

Regular cut for more compact growth

Although Ysop is an herb, it tends to lignify over time and become a semi-shrub. On the one hand, this offers some advantages, for example to make a hedge-like enclosure of a herbal or a rosary. On the other hand, the older shoots lose their grip and become unsightly over the years. This can be counteracted if one carries out regular cutting measures.

The cut can be done in the spring before budding or in autumn after flowering. Best cut the plant not later than in August to about a third or even half back. Later cutting may cause the cuts to not heal until the first frost. Otherwise, the cut can be made in the spring (around March). Until then, the old branches provide a good winter protection in severe frost.


As for lavender, the same applies to hyssop: if possible, do not cut into old wood, as this is usually no longer expected to sprout.