Wollmispeln are not hardy

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Super Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) Germany Update 2020
Video: Super Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) Germany Update 2020


The loquat is not hardy and should therefore be cultivated in our pot

Wollmispeln are not hardy

Wollmispeln (Eriobotrya) are among the pome fruit trees or shrubs, which can be up to 12 meters high in their East Asian homeland - the trees come from China, Japan and Korea. They are cultivated not only for their beautiful, evergreen foliage, but above all for their tasty fruits - which, however, rarely grow and ripen directly on the tree in our latitudes, even though some nurseries claim this. The plants are not hardy for us.

Do not plant loquat in the garden

Wollmispeln are basically quite robust plants, which can easily tolerate minus degrees in the low-digit range. For this reason, the plants can easily stay outdoors from April to November - with threatening night frosts, of course, with appropriate protection. Even a mild winter spent in the garden or on the balcony usually can not harm the tree. If, however, a severe winter comes into the house, the loquat should be brought to safety as quickly as possible - because temperatures below five to eight degrees Celsius, in all likelihood they will not survive.

Hibernate in the open air outdoors

For this reason, planting in the garden is not recommended, because a single severe winter can destroy the lovingly maintained and cultivated tree in an instant. However, with mild temperatures down to minus five degrees Celsius, you can also overwinter the loquat outside, provided that the plant is properly protected. You should

Without an additional heat source such as a heater, however, insulating material at low minus temperatures is pointless.

Wollmispeln in the house / greenhouse overwinter

As soon as it gets colder, you can overwinter the loquat under cold conditions in the house or greenhouse. The tree needs a bright and frost-free, maximum 12 ° C warm location - for example, in the (little heated) bedroom or in the stairwell, if it is not too drafty there. If the tree is cold wintered, it can also be kept throughout the year in Zimmerkultur.


If your loquat is already too big or you have no suitable wintering opportunity, just ask the gardener you trust - often this has a suitable corner in the greenhouse, which you can rent for an obolus.