Green living: hardy succulents for beginners

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Indoor Succulents for Beginners
Video: Indoor Succulents for Beginners


The prickly pear tolerates frost

Green living: hardy succulents for beginners

In the future, we want to present here a "plant of the month" whose breeding will succeed even under adverse weather conditions and with only a few botanical skills. Among the succulents, as bizarre prototypes in thorn dress, you will find some very interesting articles with many tips in our garden journal. Therefore, it should go today to the hardy specimens, which are no less attractive and in every season a real eye-catcher in the home garden. Thanks to their thick-fleshed leaves, which can store large amounts of moisture, succulents are true survivors.

In addition to the well-known Crassula, Eclaira and Co., which are leaf succulents, there are these chickweed also with a trunk. Also protected by thorns against its natural predators, the cold-resistant varieties are particularly suitable for planting in the rock garden, on terraces and the balcony.

A distinctive feature distinguishes the winter hardy of their conspecifics: Beginning with the September, they will not be cast at all until the beginning of March. The photosynthesis causes accumulated residual water in the plant bodies is converted to sugar, so that at the same time reducing the cell juice temperatures well below freezing cause no damage to the tropical plants. This process is recognizable by the particularly characteristic color changes from green to reddish brown, which can be observed in the autumn in many winter hardy. In the aftermath, they generate their own natural antifreeze, so to speak, and prepare for winter without our intervention.

Popular varieties of hardy succulents

Anyone who thinks about planting in the garden should take into account that the shoot axes of these plants can reach considerable dimensions after a short time and branch out lushly. After all, the right choice of location, an optimal substrate as well as reliable rain protection and species-appropriate water dosage play a dominant role in these tropical plants, which can after all grow up to a height of 15 meters. In the following overview we have summarized some of the hardy succulent species commonly found in German gardens:

Planting and care tips for succulents

In all regions of Germany, cultivation is possible in every garden, with the exception of a few young plants that should be reared in the home during the first years or at least in the cold greenhouse. Many of the species are particularly suitable as potted plants and can decorate terraces, balconies or house entrances during the garden-free time very decorative. Some tips to keep in mind: