The Privet - a profile

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The privet belongs to the olive tree family

The Privet - a profile

Privet from the family of olive trees is a popular hedge plant that you can pull almost anywhere. It forms many branches and makes hardly any work apart from regular cutting. A small profile to the privet.

The Privet - a profile

Undemanding shrub for hedge planting

Privet grows almost everywhere. Only complete shade and soils with waterlogging he can not stand. Dust pollution, as common in the city, makes him little.

Privet is therefore very often planted as a hedge. But even as a single shrub or in a bucket he can be cared for without any problems.

Very growth-friendly and cut compatible

Privet is very fast growing. The shoots can grow up to 50 cm a year. However, for it to branch well, it must be cut very often and also be cut in height.

The shrub is cut tolerant and can be cut in the spring on stick to rejuvenate it. You can cut it into almost any shape or cut it as bonsai.

Privet is not evergreen

Privet is often referred to as evergreen or even sold. That is not correct. The shrub throws off the leaves in winter. The warmer it is, the longer it stays on the bush. The privet species Atrovirens keep their leaves especially long.

Plant privet or cherry laurel

There is no question for ecologically conscious gardeners. The native privet is the better alternative from an environmental point of view. Cherry laurel is not a native plant species and is therefore not accepted by the local wildlife.


The leaves of the privet serve as food for the privet predator, a mothalter age. The flowers are flown by bumblebees, butterflies and other insects. Birds love the almost black berries.