Winter-proof trees for the garden - easy-care and robust

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Five Plants for Winter Interest! 🌲❄️// Garden Answer
Video: Five Plants for Winter Interest! 🌲❄️// Garden Answer


The ginkgo tree is hardy

Winter-proof trees for the garden - easy-care and robust

No question: every garden has a tree.However, one does not enjoy it for too long if the carefully selected specimen soon blesses the time due to lack of winter hardiness. Alternatively, every winter you have to make a great effort to protect the wood from frost damage.

Native trees survive every winter

Guaranteed to do nothing wrong with native deciduous and coniferous trees, because they are perfectly adapted to the prevailing climate and therefore need no special protective devices. In addition, indigenous species provide both birds, insects and other animals both a habitat and food - a not to be underestimated advantage that many exotics unfortunately not bring. The omnipresent, exotic cherry laurel, for example, has a lot of properties that are well-received by gardeners - but from an ecological point of view the shrub is worthless. Instead, look for a house tree from this very varied list of the most common types found in Germany:

Winterproof exotics for the home garden

In addition, there are numerous imported tree species, some of which have been successfully cultivated in German gardens for decades or even centuries. Usually winterized and thus completely problem-free are species such as

Origin gives information about winter hardiness

If you are unsure about the winter hardiness of the selected tree, take a look at the climatic conditions in its homeland: Which climate zone does the species originate from? You will not be able to cultivate tropical and subtropical species in the garden in this country, they usually have to be kept in a pot and kept free from frost during the winter months. The same applies to trees from the Mediterranean region, for example for almost all citrus species. Only the trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) tolerates a few degrees below zero for a short time.


In general also quite unproblematic are the different magnolia species, some of which are also pulled tree-like.