Wild wine - care, pruning, wintering

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pruning Ninebark
Video: Pruning Ninebark


Wild wine needs little care

Wild wine - care, pruning, wintering

Decorative and easy care - also known as the virgin vine Wild Wine is a pretty and undemanding climbing plant, which is wonderful for greening of facades, house walls, pergolas, etc. suitable. However, the plant wants to be planted with care, because its strong shoots can damage masonry, gutters and other building components significantly.

Do you have to pour wild wine in addition?

Basically, Wilder wine needs a lot of water and should therefore be poured, especially on hot and dry days. However, the plant is very sensitive to waterlogging.

When and how often should you fertilize wild wine?

During the growing season, regular fertilization makes sense, but this should be stopped by mid-August at the latest. Otherwise, the shoots will not mature properly, so the plant will not survive the winter. In addition, can be absent in a too-intensive fertilization, the beautiful autumn color.

Can Wilder wine be cultivated in the pot?

Basically, a pot culture of wild wine is possible, with planters should be as large as possible. Also, use vessels made of natural materials such as clay or ceramics. A repot of wild wine is only necessary when the root system fills the entire pot.

When and how can you cut wild wine?

Wild wine grows up to two meters per year and should be cut back as regularly as possible. Unchecked awake wild wine spreads very quickly even where he has no business and can cause severe damage. The pruning takes place in the summer.

How can Wilder wine be shortened differently?

You can also shorten the wild wine with a gas burner instead of a pruning shears.

Which diseases and pests frequently infect the wild wine?

Although Wilder wine is considered to be quite resistant to various diseases, it can be attacked at the wrong location or in case of incorrect care by the Verticillium wilt, a fungal disease. There is no antidote to these, which is why prevention makes sense. For this reason you should avoid transplanting specimens as well as excess moisture or waterlogging.

The wild wine does not grow or only slightly, why is that?

If the wild wine does not grow properly, it often suffers from a lack of water.

Is Wild Wine hardy?

Most varieties of wild wine are hardy, but some require winter protection from leaves and brushwood.


In contrast to the fruits of the noble grapevine, the berries of the wild wine are not suitable for consumption.