The most beautiful shapes and figures for the boxwood - ideas, tips and tricks

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
New Trick for " No More See Through Boxwood Hedge!! " | Hanging with No Plywood
Video: New Trick for " No More See Through Boxwood Hedge!! " | Hanging with No Plywood


The design possibilities of the boxwood are manifold

The most beautiful shapes and figures for the boxwood - ideas, tips and tricks

Boxwood has been used for centuries as a form of wood for the most imaginative structures and figures. Famous are the fantastic Renaissance and Baroque gardens in which the book had its wedding. Even today, fascinating living sculptures can be accomplished with comparatively little effort.

The most beautiful shapes for the book

Basically, Buchs is suitable for every conceivable form, unless you cut into the bare, brown wood. Only remove the light green, new shoots and do not cut too deep - otherwise, unsightly holes may be formed, which are difficult to close again. Above all, the following forms are popular for the boxwood:

The latter, in particular, is known from the Baroque gardens of the 15th and 16th centuries: low, curved hedges make for a variety of shapes and patterns when viewed from above. After all, who says that a hedge always has to be strictly straight?

Integration in the garden design

Regardless of whichever form you choose, it is relevant that it blends in harmoniously with the respective garden style. In a wild natural garden, for example, an avenue of low box trees with a square-cut crown looks a bit out of place. To check the effect before pruning, it is best to draw a plan of your garden and also consider how to insert the cut book. Is this supposed to stand as a single eye-catcher in the middle of a lawn, or do you want to form an entire avenue of books along the main path, which is also inserted into a flower landscape covering the floor?

Frequent pruning gets the shape

Keep in mind that you need to prune the book figures regularly to keep them in shape. As a rule, at least two cutbacks per growing season are compulsory, whereby the shape cut is made between mid-May and mid-June, however, the care cut is to be made at the latest in the middle of August. If necessary - for example, with vigorously vigorous varieties - scissors can also be used more frequently, provided that you keep a minimum interval of four weeks. Main cutting time in this case is between April and September, in winter boxwood is not cut.

Stencils facilitate cutting

If you already have experience in cutting book characters, you can often cut them freehand. Everyone else uses a stencil that makes the shape cut a breeze. You can buy a variety of templates, but also make them yourself. The latter is useful, for example, for cutting geometric figures.


A frequent pruning also has the advantage that this book develops a particularly dense branching.