The wild mallow needs little care

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Billie Eilish - ilomilo (Audio)
Video: Billie Eilish - ilomilo (Audio)


The wild mallow does not need much nutrients or plenty of water

The wild mallow needs little care

Wild mallows can be pulled not only in the garden bed, but also in the bucket. The plants with their beautiful flowers provide the whole summer for flowers. The mallow needs hardly any care. So you maintain mallows in the garden or tub.

How are wild mallows cast?

The watering of wild mallows is only necessary when there is a lot of heat, or when it has not rained for a very long time. When the mallows are pulled in the tub, make sure that the soil does not dry out completely.

Pour the water around the plant so that the leaves are not wetted. This can prevent the occurrence of Malvenrost.

Do wild mallows have to be fertilized?

Wild mallows need little nutrients. If you have mature compost or horn shavings in the spring, spread the fertilizer around the plants.
In the bucket fertilization is not necessary because the plants are pulled out after the second year anyway.

Can wild mallows be transplanted?

Wild mallows develop long taproots. Transplanting is therefore not possible.

Is a pruning useful?

If the wild mallow sprouts too much, you may shape it with pruning shears. This is certainly not necessary.

Which pests and diseases can occur?

Pests are as good as wild mallow. Presumably they are held by the mucous and tannins of the plant.

Mallows often suffer from mallow rust. It is a fungal disease, which is favored by high humidity. If malvenous rust occurs, cut all affected parts of the plant and dispose of them with household waste. Do not throw the leftovers on the compost! To prevent mallow rust you should:

Do wild mallows need winter protection?

Wild mallows are completely hardy. Winter protection is therefore not required.


The Wild Mallow is considered a weed to some gardeners, because it self-sows and reaches deep into the ground with its long tap roots. Self-sowing can be prevented by cutting the flowers immediately after flowering.