Lenten rose: plant and care

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
😀 Lenten Rose Care | Hellebore Plant Chat - SGD 298 😀
Video: 😀 Lenten Rose Care | Hellebore Plant Chat - SGD 298 😀


The Lenzrose flowers when other plants are still sleeping deeply

Lenten rose: plant and care

Lilacs are true miracles. They bloom when other plants are still in hibernation. If you offer the winter-green plant an ideal location, you can enjoy the flowers for several decades.


The Lenzrose bears the scientific name Helleborus x hybridus and is often referred to as Oriental hellebore (Helleborus orientalis). This name is misleading, because the Lenzrose originated from crossings of the Oriental hellebore and other species of the genus.

The name of the parent Helleborus orientalis indicates the natural range of the plant. Its area stretches from the southeast of Europe across the Balkans to the Black Sea. It grows in Turkey and the Caucasus. In Germany, the Oriental hellebore occurs partially wild. In grave field, Baden-Wuerttemberg with Pforzheim and in Langenburg there are some wild-guarded stocks.


Helleborus hybrids grow as wintergreen perennials. Your growth is slow. They reach stature heights up to 50 centimeters. Lenten roses are considered to be particularly durable.

They have developed a special adaptation to the cold winter months. Once temperatures fall below freezing, plants lower cell pressure. As a result, leaves and stems lay flat on the ground and look withered. This mechanism protects the plants from freezing. As soon as the temperatures rise again, the plants straighten up.

The parent Helleborus orientalis is a non-stem forming species. While the seedling grows up, the main root dies. Every year, the plant develops fresh side shoots on the rhizome, which form numerous fine roots. The old roots are thickened and fleshy. They are brown to black colored. This growth allows multiplication by division.


Lenten roses develop terminal blooms, which are a botanical specialty. In them, the petals are not strikingly colored, but the sepals appear in different colors. So they do not take over the original protection function. They serve to attract potential pollinators. Each flower consists of five sepals and develops a diameter of up to ten centimeters. The sepals are preserved until the seeds have matured.

The bracts have been transformed in the course of evolution to short bag-shaped flower organs that form nectar. Lenzrosen develop between five and 20 of these so-called Nektarien, which supply the few insects at this season food. The flower is otherwise unspecialized so that it is visited and pollinated by the largest possible number of insects. Some varieties can not be fertilized because they form filled flowers. Typical of Helleborus species are the drooping flowers.

flower Color

Your base is colored green. Lenz roses shine in different colors. The palette ranges from white to cream yellow to pink and black red. There are some varieties that develop white flowers with a colored drawing.


These plants open their flowers already in winter. Depending on the weather, the first flowers appear from February or earlier. After being fertilized, the petals turn green.
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Helleborus hybrids develop as many follicles as ovaries were fertilized. After successful pollination, nectaries and stamens fall off. When the seeds have fully matured, the follicles burst along a preformed suture and release the seeds.


The tiny seeds are black in color and have a shiny surface. Its shape is bean-shaped and elongated. They turn dull brown when the seed coat dries. A Balg fruit contains between ten and 20 seeds.


Lenzrosen carry leathery leaves, which are arranged on the ground. The leaf blade is fingered and consists of five to eleven lobes together. They are arranged like a fan and appear inverted ovate or lanceolate. Its edge is double sawn.

When the leaves sprout, they are colored light green. During the summer, the color changes to a dark green. The old foliage dies as soon as the young leaves show up.


The unusual flowering time of the Lenzrose makes it a decorative plant for the design of spring beds. They belong to the plants that herald the vegetation period. At this time, nature is mostly still in hibernation. Lenten roses adorn well-visible beds, which are dominated by typical summer flowers throughout the year.

Helleborus hybrids are also suitable for planting vessels that decorate balconies, terraces and entrances. Lenzrosen embellish as cut flowers interiors and window sills when the vase is in a cool place. You can extend the durability by carving the stems at the bottom of the side.

Ideal plant partners:

Is Lenzrose poisonous?

The Lenzrose is in all plant parts as strongly poisonous. It contains the cardioactive saponin helleborine and protoanemonin. The concentration of poisons is highest in the rhizome. After consumption, various symptoms of intoxication can occur. The symptoms range from nausea and dizziness to diarrhea, inflammation of the oral mucosa and cardiac arrhythmias. Consumption of large amounts leads to respiratory paralysis, which can be fatal.

Three mature seed capsules are enough to cause severe poisoning. The sap has irritating effects on the skin. Therefore, you should only plant the plant with care when playing pets or children in your garden.
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Which location is suitable?

Lenten roses prefer a partially shaded spot, which is under large deciduous trees and shrubs. They can be planted in a sunny spot if the soil moisture is sufficiently high. When the plants have found the right location, they keep coming back for decades. The soil should not tend to waterlogging.
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Which soil does the plant need?

Ideal is a fresh substrate, which ensures a high permeability. On very humus rich loam soil, lenten roses feel well. If the soil is very light and sandy, you can improve structure and nutrient content by incorporating dolomitic lime, bark humus and horn shavings. Crushed eggshells are recommended as an alternative to dolomitic lime. Lenz roses thrive splendidly when the soil is calcareous. Lenz roses also grow well on acid soil.

Lenten rose

Adult plants can be propagated by division, but the yield of viable plants is low. Lenten roses then need a lot of time and good care, so that they grow again to stately plants. If you want to share your plant, you should choose a covered day in the fall. The spring is not suitable for this measure, as the plant flowers very early.

To avoid unnecessary injury during this procedure, tape the stems and leaves together. Pierce a root ball as big as possible and dig it out. Use a digger fork to pierce the center of the root ball. Put on another pitchfork and carefully move both garden tools apart. As a result, the rhizome ruptures until two separate plants have emerged. If your Lenz rose is a little smaller, you can divide the rhizome with a knife.

How to proceed after sharing:


It can take between three and four years for a plant to flower for the first time. If the plant has successfully developed fruits, you can multiply your Lenzrose by seeds. These offspring are often less floriferous than their parent plant.

Collect the fruits directly after maturity. They recognize mature fruits in their yellow-green color. At this point, they are easy to open so you can free the seeds from their capsules. Clean the seed and let it dry. If you sow the seeds in the fall, they start germinating in November.

Lenten rose in the pot

Lenten roses grow slowly, but can take up a lot of space during their lifetime. If you want to cultivate the plant in the bucket, you should take the high space requirements into account. Rejuvenate the plant every two to three years, so that its magnificent growth does not stunt due to lack of space.

Choose a thick-walled vessel that provides adequate protection against frost. Alternatively, you can wrap the bucket with bubble wrap or garden fleece so that the rootstock does not freeze.

Use as substrate a mixture of potting soil and the highest possible amount of humus. You can also use potted potting soil with a low percentage of peat. As a houseplant, the Lenz rose is less suitable. She also prefers an outdoor location in the bucket.

Pour Lenzrose

The Lenzrose likes permanently moist conditions in the substrate. It withstands short drying times, but responds with a reduced flower bud. Once the top layer of soil has dried, you should water the plant.

With the finger test, you can check the moisture in the substrate. If the earth feels dry and crumbly, the Lenz rose needs fresh water. During the summer drought, you should check the moisture content several times a day. Lenzrosen tolerate water with small amounts of lime. Waterlogging should be avoided as it leads to root rot.

Fertilize Lenzrose properly

Helleborus hybrids are considered weak. To support their vitality, you can fertilize occasionally. If the plant is close to flowering, it enjoys composting or fertilising with rock flour. If necessary, you can use a liquid fertilizer between February and May.

In autumn you can distribute brushwood, bark mulch or withered leaves on the ground. This layer acts as protection against cold in young plants and provides the plant with nutrients next spring when the soil organisms have decomposed the material. If your Lenz rose grows on sandy soil, you can distribute some algae lime on the substrate in autumn.

Cut the lenten rose correctly

After winter, withered leaves are removed. Take care with this care so that you do not damage the freshly expelled plant parts. Brown or black leaves should be cut off immediately to prevent disease spreading. After flowering it is recommended to cut off the ripening fruit stalks.
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How do I properly plant?

Lenzrosen develop a strong rhizome, which reaches deeper and deeper into the earth with increasing age. Therefore, when transplanting there is a risk that many roots are damaged. At the new location, the plant hardly develops the stately growth it showed at the old growth site. It requires a high degree of gardening instinct, until the linden rose has recovered after transplanting.


Young specimens need a winter shelter. Put a layer of compost or bark mulch on the floor. Adult Lenzrosen are hardy. The early flowering species survive the winter without problems. In older plants, mulching will provide nutrients in the spring.

When the thermometer drops below -15 degrees Celsius, the leaves die off. They turn black and look unsightly. The plant does not have any problems. She drives out shortly before flowering again. On frost-free days, the plant must be poured because the metabolism is not completely adjusted even in winter.

How to protect potted plants:


The winter bloomers rarely fall prey to the virus disease Black Death, which ends fatally. After infection, the veins on leaves and flowers turn black. Countermeasures are not known. To avoid spreading, you should completely remove the plant and dispose of it with the household waste.


Lenten roses are attacked by some pests that spread under certain conditions. The pests weaken the plants, so that a quick action is necessary.


Lenten roses are frequently visited by aphids. The pests suck the sap from the leaves of winter bloomers. They prefer to spread on fresh leaves and young plants. Regularly wipe the aphids off the plant parts. Use a cloth soaked in detergent for this measure. Stinging Nettle strengthens the vitality of the plant and has a preventive effect against the spread of aphids. In case of infestation, you can spray the entire plant with the broth.


If the plant is prone to stunted growth, which does not subside even after the care has been changed, root nematodes can be the cause. The microscopic worms suck nutrients from the fine roots, so that they can no longer provide the plant. A fight against pests is difficult to carry out. Dispose of infested plants so that the pests can not spread.


Varieties with clearly defined characteristics are rarely found. On the market mainly propagated by seeds propagated plants are offered. They only allow a guess as to what qualities they have inherited from their parent plants. Therefore, you will always find new beauties without names.
