Which seed is suitable for a lush flowering wildflower meadow?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
I Planted A Wildflower Meadow πŸŒΌπŸπŸ¦‹| Amazing Lawn Transformation | From Seeds to Blooms
Video: I Planted A Wildflower Meadow πŸŒΌπŸπŸ¦‹| Amazing Lawn Transformation | From Seeds to Blooms


Which seed is suitable for a lush flowering wildflower meadow?

Many a garden owner already laid out a wild meadow in the garden and enjoyed the numerous, colorful flowers - and then, one, two years later, disappointed to discover that the flowers have almost completely disappeared. Whether you actually succeed with the creation of a wildflower meadow, depends mainly on the selection of seeds.

Cheap blends are unsuitable

Good, promising seed consists of meadow plants native to your region as well as site-specific. These are to a large extent perennial. In garden centers, on the other hand, you can buy cheap mixtures that are unsuitable for setting up a wildflower meadow. These seed mixtures contain no explicit meadow flowers, but mostly one-year field wildflowers such as cornflowers or poppies - they look beautiful, but disappear quickly.

Collect wildflower seeds yourself

Instead, you can buy high-quality seed mixes from the agricultural trade or agricultural shop, which are made explicitly for farmers with hay meadows. However, these are often mixtures for fatty meadows. On the other hand, it is much more fun to collect flower seeds yourself - this has the advantage that you will certainly collect the right plants. However, be sure to select the plants that are right for your soil - so wetland flowers on dry meadows will not feel comfortable. Seeds are collected on a dry day, dried on newspaper or kitchen paper at home for a few days and then stored in a paper bag (eg sandwich paper) or a matchbox - but never in a plastic container.

Haycocks as a method of propagation

A simpler type of propagation is the so-called Heumulchen or the Mähgutübertragung. Mow fresh hay on the surrounding, flower-rich wild meadows at semen ripening time and apply this as a thick layer on the receiving surface prepared for sowing. The ripe seeds fall out of the hay and seize the earth all by itself.

Meadow flowers are light germs

The seed, whether bought or collected, must not be covered with soil. Finally, most meadow plants are light germs and should therefore be pressed only by means of a roller o. Ä. To the prepared and finely crumbled soil. The usually very fine seeds should be mixed with a scattering aid (eg sand or sawdust). This measure facilitates the even distribution of the seed.

Tips & Tricks

Particularly interesting are smooth oat meadows, which look attractive even after the main flowering period in June. Flowers such as yarrow, meadow sage, meadow cornflower or scabious plants thrive here. In addition, this meadow often blooms a second time in late summer.