Maintain lemon thyme properly - this is how the herbal plant trumps

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Never Use an Oven or Dehydrator to Dry Herbs Again With This Century Old Method
Video: Never Use an Oven or Dehydrator to Dry Herbs Again With This Century Old Method


Lemon thyme fits wonderfully into the herb bed

Maintain lemon thyme properly - this is how the herbal plant trumps

In the home garden, aromatic lemon thyme has long been on par with other popular herbal plants. This steep career owes the Mediterranean half-shrub not only its unique taste, but also its frugal unpretentiousness. You can find out how minimalist the care program is here.

Next article Cutting lemon thyme - How it works right

How do I properly pour lemon thyme?

If the herb plant thrives in the bed, the water supply is limited to watering during dry weather. As a rule, the natural rainfall covers the low demand for moisture. Only immediately after planting the substrate should be constantly kept slightly moist.

Does lemon thyme have to be fertilized?

Mandatory Nutrition is not necessary. In sandy-lean soil, we recommend using a 2 cm thick layer of compost in April and June. In pot culture is suitable liquid herbal or vegetable fertilizer, which you administer according to the instructions of the manufacturer.

How do I cut the herb plant?

Since lemon thyme thrives as a subshrub, the plant constantly strives to lignify from below. Since hardly any aromatic leaflets sprout on woody shoots, stop the process with these cutting measures:

To promote a dense, bushy growth, please thoroughly clear a lemon thyme each time you cut back.

Is lemon thyme hardy?

As the garden practice has shown, thyme hybrids are only partially winter hardy. The green-leaved varieties tolerate temperatures of up to -15 degrees Celsius for a short time. Black-leaved lemon thyme, on the other hand, is already beaten in a milder frost. Therefore, do not cut the plant back by more than a third in autumn and spread out a thick layer of leaves or needles around it. In the pot you carry the plant in a bright, frost-free winter quarters.


If you prevent lignification with a regular shape cut, excess cuttings are far too good for disposal on the compost. Simply bundle the twigs into small posy bunches and hang them upside down to dry. It's faster in the oven at 50 degrees Celsius or comfortably in the Dehydrator.