The best care for grapevines - an overview

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Grow Grapes, Complete Growing Guide
Video: How to Grow Grapes, Complete Growing Guide


The best care for grapevines - an overview

There is an incomparable fascination with them. Decorative vines have long since conquered the hobby garden. All important questions about the professional care of a grapevine are answered here.

How do I properly water a grapevine?

If you balance the water supply of a vine to its age and location, this prudence contributes to a vital growth. How to pour properly:

Are vineyards to be fertilized?

Since expertly groomed vines are strongly cut back every year, they have a high need for nutrients. Fertilize the plants every 2 weeks from March to September with compost, horn shavings or guano. In the bucket, organic liquid fertilizers or fertilizer sticks are preferably applied.

What diseases can threaten a vine?

If there are health problems in the cultivation of wine, usually the powdery mildew is behind it. This widespread fungal disease manifests itself in an unappetizing white coating on leaves, shoots and grapes. A similar damage pattern is seen in downy mildew and gray mold. If wet and cold rainy weather prevails during flowering in May and June, the grapevine is endangered by trickling.

Which pests infest vines?

The focus of pest control on grape vines is on three candidates who have specialized in this genus of plants. Primarily here is the phylloxera, which caused catastrophic damage in the past. Since all grape varieties are now refined on resistant American documents, this plague is under control. The vine pox mite and grapevine stingers, on the other hand, have a lower risk potential.

When should grapevines be cut?

The key to successful care is the skilful pruning. This pruning goes hand in hand with the desired education of the vine on his trellis. The perfect time is the end of February / beginning of March. In the summer, the green section follows during the months of June and August, focusing in particular on targeted clearing.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to take your lovingly groomed vines with you when moving, this is quite possible. The younger the grapevines, the better the prospects for a successful transplanting. Ideally, choose one action day at the end of February / beginning of March to minimize stress on the plants.