How to effectively combat mildew on grapevines?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Mold or Mildew on Grapes
Video: How to Stop Mold or Mildew on Grapes


How to effectively combat mildew on grapevines?

The harmful fungus Uncinula necator occupies the inglorious rank of the most dangerous parasite for grapevines, because it triggers the powdery mildew. This is how you fight the disease sustainably.

Mildew can be recognized by these symptoms

Already in May it starts. On the young leaves and shoots, a floury-white coating is visible, which spreads rapidly. The foliage curls, dries up and falls off. Infected grapes harden or burst, exposing the kernels.

Proven control methods in the allotment garden

The vast majority of approved fungicides are based on sulfur and copper. However, the effect unfolds only preventively, so they are to be deployed in advance. Currently, the Crop Protection Database of the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety lists these products among others:

Strict attention to the most important cultural conditions also contributes significantly to the control of powdery mildew on grapevines. Plant at an airy distance in the sunny, warm location. Do not forget to cut the vines every year in early spring and summer. In this way you deprive the cunning mushroom spores important attack surfaces.