Grow Poinsettia - Tips and Tricks

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Poinsettia Year Round - Complete Growing Guide
Video: How to Grow Poinsettia Year Round - Complete Growing Guide


Growing Christmas stars requires a green thumb and patience

Grow Poinsettia - Tips and Tricks

The poinsettia has become one of the most popular plants with which we decorate the windowsill and living room at Christmas time. To grow poinsettias is not easy. The plants need the right care. Tips and tricks for the breeding of poinsettias.

Poinsettias are perennial plants

Even though poinsettias are usually grown for only one season, the plants are actually perennial. They are often disposed of because no new bracts form.

But with a trick, a poinsettia can blossom again. He just needs to be darkened for several weeks before the next season.

To properly care for a poinsettia

Poinsettias are reputed to be demanding in their care. In most cases, the plants only too much wet to create. A poinsettia likes to dry and should therefore only be poured moderately. With waterlogging he enters.

Even when fertilizing a little sense of proportion is needed. Cutting is only necessary if the poinsettia gets too out of shape. If you breed it as bonsai, you have to cut it back regularly.

For a Christmas star to develop colorful bracts for several years, darken it for six to eight weeks before the desired flowering time. If you do not have a suitable place, simply put a box over the plant.

Multiply poinsettias

Offshoots of poinsettias can be drawn from cuttings themselves. The best time for propagation is spring, before the plant is sent into the summer break.

The poinsettia is poisonous

Poinsettias are spurge plants that contain a poisonous milky sap. For animals like cats, the risk of poisoning is greater than for humans.

Nevertheless, you should only maintain a poinsettia with gloves. Milk juice can cause inflammatory skin reactions in sensitive individuals.


Poinsettias are not just a potted plant. Even as a cut flower, the shoots make a good figure with their colored bracts. It is important that the cut ends are treated with heat, so that the milk juice can not leak.