How to properly dry savory

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Never Use an Oven or Dehydrator to Dry Herbs Again With This Century Old Method
Video: Never Use an Oven or Dehydrator to Dry Herbs Again With This Century Old Method


How to properly dry savory

Dried herbs are an indispensable part of modern cooking. However, savory is one of the less well-known representatives of this category, although it is used quite often, because it is part of the popular herbs of Provence.

Previous article The harvest of savory

The best time to dry savory

Shortly before flowering, the aroma of savory is the most intense. That's why you should harvest it at this time to dry. Summer savory begins to flower in June or July, and mountain savanna only later.

If you have missed this time, you do not have to do without drying. The taste of the herb is only slightly milder, but you can dry the flowers with it. If you choose to slice the late morning of a sunny day, then the health-promoting ingredients are particularly highly concentrated.

Prepare the savory to dry

The summer savory can be completely removed, tied into small bouquets and hung to dry in a shady dry place. However, if you cut it off a few inches above the ground, you give the herb the opportunity to exorcise again. So you can still harvest a little fresh savory.

From the mountain savory cut off only the fresh shoots to dry, not the hard woody ones. Do not hang the herb in the direct sun to dry, as this will lose the aroma. A slight draft promotes the drying process. Only completely dried herbs are allowed to be packaged and are stable for some time.

The drying in the oven

If you have no suitable place to dry your herbs or if the weather is cool and rainy, then it is recommended to dry in the oven. Place the savory on a baking tray and place in the oven at about 30 to 50 ° C.

The door should stay open a little to allow moisture to escape. Simply clamp a wooden spoon between the oven and the door. Depending on the amount and moisture content, the duration varies, but with a few hours, you can certainly count. Only when the savory rustles when shaking it is really dry.

The storage of dried savory

When the cabbage has dried well and cooled down, the leaves can be easily brushed or stalked by the stems. It is best to place the soured savory in a dark glass jar. When stored cool, dark and dry, the savory stays loose until the harvest next year. On the other hand, if the herb is not well dried mold can easily form.

The essentials in brief:

Tips & Tricks

Pack only fully dried herbs airtight, otherwise threatened mold and that is dangerous to health.