Poinsettia do not overwinter but spend the summer

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
what to do with poinsettia after bloom?
Video: what to do with poinsettia after bloom?


In winter, the poinsettia stands in a bright, warm location

Poinsettia do not overwinter but spend the summer

His wedding has the poinsettia in winter, when he makes his distinctive bracts. He is not hardy and has to be cared for in the house. But in summer he can go to the balcony or the terrace to spend the summer.

Previous article Poinsettia is a houseplant and not for outdoors

Christmas star always in the house over winter

The poinsettia is native to the tropical deciduous forests of Mexico, Central and South America. There, the temperatures do not fall below freezing, so the poinsettia with frost is not hardy. It should never be colder than five degrees at the location of the poinsettia.

As he develops his eye-catching bracts at Christmas time, which gave him his name, he is drawn in the winter anyway in the house.

The right location in the room

If the poinsettia is in full bloom, it needs a bright, warm location. The windowsill should preferably not be exposed to direct sunlight. Even places directly above the heater do not get him.

The big enemy of the poinsettia during winter and summer is draft. Choose a place where he is not exposed to heavy pull. If this can not be avoided, for example, when airing, place the poinsettia in a more sheltered place for this time.

Summer stars on the balcony summer

As soon as the outside temperatures rise again, you can put the poinsettia on the balcony or the terrace. Again, a sheltered location is important.

As soon as the temperatures fall below five degrees, you have to bring the poinsettia back into the house.


Poinsettias are perennial if they are usually drawn for only one season. In order to bring a poinsettia several years to the formation of new blossoms and bracts, it must be put dark in the autumn for six to eight weeks.