The Christmas cactus comes in many different colors

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The Christmas cactus can bloom red, white, yellow, pink and even orange, depending on the variety

The Christmas cactus comes in many different colors

The fact that the Christmas cactus enjoys such great popularity, it owes not only its flowering at Christmas time. The different leaf shapes and above all the many colors in which the flowers appear, make it a decorative houseplant.

The Christmas cactus blooms in many different colors

The most common are Christmas cacti, which bear strong red flowers. However, the palette of colors goes much further. Depending on the variety are the flowers

Also bicoloured varieties are commercially available. The later flower color can almost always be recognized by the bud.

Incidentally, the varieties differ not only in the flower color, but also in the shape of the flowers and leaf limbs. The flowers are different depending on the variety long and wide. The leaves may be round, oblong or oval.

Popular varieties of Christmas cactus

In total, there are six different types of Christmas cactus that bloom in different colors:

Some of these species are extremely rare and endangered. For the care in Zimmerkultur almost exclusively hybrids are offered, which were bred from the different kinds.

To prevent the fall of the flowers

No matter which variety and which flower color you care for - Christmas cacti are a bit tricky. Often the flowers fall off before they shine in their beautiful colors.

The reason is usually that the pot was moved with the Christmas cactus and turned it. The flowers always align themselves with the light at the beginning. If the location of the light source changes, the flowers turn and fall off. Therefore, you should not move a Christmas cactus just before flowering as possible.

What to do if the Christmas cactus does not bloom

If the Christmas cactus does not flower at all, he has not had a rest after flowering. During this time, he was supposed to be cooler and darker for a few months.

The three-month dark phase ensures that the Christmas cactus shines in its most beautiful colors.


The heyday of the Christmas cactus begins in November and extends into January. It can last up to six weeks. There are some species that even produce a second flower.