How much shade does the privet tolerate?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Don’t Plant Privet
Video: Don’t Plant Privet


Privet likes sunny locations

How much shade does the privet tolerate?

Privet is a shrub that likes very bright. So you should not put him directly in the shade. For very shady locations, other hedge plants such as thuja or cherry laurel are better.

Do not plant privet in the shade too much

Privet comes with almost any location, but he is not a pronounced shadow plant. He does not enter the shadows, but he only grows very slowly if he does not get enough light.

In addition, over time, it sheds when insufficient sunlight reaches the lower regions of the shrub. Especially species that have a nice coloration like the Goldliguster, need a lot of sun, so that the leaves retain their color.

Suitable locations for privet are:

Avoid plump midday sun

Although the privet likes it rather sunny, the young bushes do not tolerate it too well if they are too exposed to direct midday sun.

This is especially true in winter, because the shrubs over the remaining leaves in the sunshine very much water evaporate. If the ground is frozen, the loss of fluid can not be compensated. The shrub then dries up.

Therefore, a young privet hedge thrives better under a slight shade by higher trees or a light sunscreen. Older shrubs do not make the sun so much anymore.

Privet is not evergreen

Privet is often offered as evergreen, but that is not entirely correct. This misunderstanding occurs because the shrub retains the foliage for a very long time. Often it falls off only in the course of winter or even with the new shoot of the young leaves.

The brighter the location, the longer the leaves remain on the shrub. This is important in privet hedges, as they are much more opaque in a clear location. Therefore, do not plant a hedge of privet directly in the shade, but choose a partially shaded or sunny spot.


Never cut privet straight, but choose a conical shape. As a result, the shrub gets enough light even in the lower regions and does not lose weight quickly.