May I implement a Weigelie?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What I use for potting soil for Container Plants and Propagation Frames
Video: What I use for potting soil for Container Plants and Propagation Frames


The smaller the weigela the easier it is to move

May I implement a Weigelie?

The Weigelie is generally considered easy to maintain, robust and flowering. As she also grows pretty fast, she definitely needs enough space. In the wrong location, it is possible that the weigela does not flower, then it should be implemented.

The transplanting tolerates a weigela in principle quite well, at least as long as she is still young. After about four years you should implement Weigelien only if it is unavoidable, perhaps because the space is urgently needed for other purposes.

Find the right place for Weigelien

A Weigelie thrives particularly well in a location in the full sun. Here is also their colorful flowering lush, while in the shade hardly flowers at all. A fresh to slightly damp and humus soil is advantageous.

A weigela can grow a good half a meter every year, which you should also consider when choosing a location. This is especially important if you want to plant a large variety of this genus. The distance to neighboring plants should be about one and a half meters.

Transplanting young weigelias

The propagation of the Weigelien is easy to create with the help of cuttings. The young plant should be implemented in the garden only after the first winter, even if Weigelien are considered quite hardy.

Before moving, lift a sufficiently large planting hole, about one and a half times the size of the root ball, and add some compost. This fertilizer is a small jump start for easier growth. Insert the plant and press the soil firmly to the roots. Then thoroughly water your Weigelie. However, there should be no waterlogging.

The essentials in brief:


The younger your Weigelie is, the better she can handle moving to another location.