Grow the plants of the watermelon in the pot

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Watermelon in pot - from Seed to Watermelon
Video: Watermelon in pot - from Seed to Watermelon


Grow the plants of the watermelon in the pot

You should prefer the plants of the watermelon early enough in this country so that they can produce ripe fruits in the European climate before autumn. Basically, the cultivation in a pot on the balcony and terrace is possible.

The preference of the plants from seeds

To ensure that the young plants of the watermelon can be set outdoors in frost-free night temperatures from May, the seeds of the watermelon should be sown on the windowsill or in the greenhouse some four weeks earlier. However, young watermelon plants tend to be more sensitive to pecking due to their very tender roots. Therefore, it proves to be advantageous to sow several seeds equal to the large, final pot and leave after germination only the strongest plants. In addition, young plants that have been brought into the house should first be accustomed to the sunlight in the open air for a few hours a day before placing them in the full sunlight.

Enough watering for healthy plants and plump fruits

The culture of watermelons in the pot has the advantage that the plants get more heat in this kind of cultivation than in a planting in the bed. However, the roots in the pot should not be heated too much or dry out. Therefore, on the one hand you should choose the pot big enough and on the other hand consider a partly shady location behind a balcony railing or on a terrace wall. During the summer, be sure to water every day or irrigate with a trivet, as the plants in the pot are exposed to large amounts of water, especially in warm wind. Just like pumpkins, melons also need plenty of water before the harvest season, so they can produce plump and tasty fruits.

Choose the right location for the pot

So that the watermelons in the pot are not literally scorched by the sun, you should rather be set up on the side of the walls and parapets facing away from the sun. Even the long shoots of a pot placed in the shade can grow up on sunny railings and on bars and gain so much energy for the fructose of the fruit. Pay attention to the pot:

Tips & Tricks

If the seeds can not be brought forward in a large pot, the sowing in bulking pots or rotting pots offers itself. These can then be used completely in the larger pot without damaging the roots of watermelons.