Blood maple roots - a threat to masonry?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
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Blood maple not only grows in height but also in width

Blood maple roots - a threat to masonry?

On plots with limited space the plantation of maple trees wants to be well considered. This also applies to the magnificent Blood Maple, which comes directly from the fast-growing maple (Acer platanoides). This guidebook scrutinizes root growth and explains possible damage to masonry.

Knowledge about rooting raises concerns

Blood maple thrives as a heart rhizome with a pronounced tendency to pinnate. From this point of view, conflicts with walls are not to be feared, provided that you keep a reasonable distance during planting. The legally prescribed margins of most federal states with an average of 200 cm, however, are not enough.

Unless you cut your blood maple, the Faassens Black variety will reach a width of 10 meters over the years. Accordingly, the majority of root strands expands horizontally. The pillar blood maple Crimson Sentry, whose crown and roots reach a maximum of 4 m, is considerably less crowded.

Root barrier prevents wall damage - that's the way it works

With a root barrier you effectively prevent wall damage from the outset. Root barriers are made of sturdy plastic, do not rot and are impenetrable to tree roots. How to use the barrier correctly:

For the root barrier to fulfill its function perfectly, it should stick out about 10 cm from the ground. Otherwise, the vigorous root strands could overcome the barrier. With a planting of ground cover you remove the black plastic within a short time the eyes of the beholder. Alternatively, spread a layer of bark mulch on the root disk.


With his book "The Secret Life of Trees" Eifel forester Peter Wohlleben opened his eyes to the importance of the roots. With their rhizomes, the majestic forest dwellers communicate, exchange information and warn against pests or diseases. It is therefore taboo to cut healthy roots in plants.