Water hyacinth overwinter properly

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Overwinter Water Hyacinth
Video: How to Overwinter Water Hyacinth


Water hyacinths are not hardy and must be brought back by October at the latest

Water hyacinth overwinter properly

Water hyacinths are not hardy. In the garden pond they are kept only from May to October. Then they have to be cared for in the house at high temperatures and lots of light. So hibernate the South American aquatic plants.

Previous article Tips for proper care of water hyacinth Next article Cultivate the water hyacinth in the pond

Get to the house in autumn

Even temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius make the water hyacinth bother. Use a landing net to fish it out of the pond at the latest in October.

Prepare wintering ground

Prepare a place in the house for wintering:

If you do not have an aquarium, you can also use a deep water jar like a bucket. The vessel should be 30 to 40 inches deep.

To set up you need a place where it is consistently warm. A warm conservatory is ideal, but if necessary it also does the living room.

Maintain water hyacinths during wintering

Water hyacinths need brightness when they are wintering. Adjust a plant lamp, aquarium cover, or other source of light so that the plants receive 12 hours of light.

The nutrient requirement of the water hyacinth is very high. It is not always covered by the earth layer. Fertilize regularly according to instructions with a commercially available fertilizer for aquatic plants. Lightly turn out offshoots so that the water hyacinth has enough space.

From the end of May you can put the rosettes back in the garden pond.

Tips & Tricks

The hibernation of Wasserhyazinthe is relatively expensive. It's only worth it if you have empty aquariums standing around anyway. New plants are available in spring from every well-stocked retailer for little money.