Nursing the water hyacinth in the pond

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Could Lake Victoria’s water hyacinth invasion have a silver lining?
Video: Could Lake Victoria’s water hyacinth invasion have a silver lining?


The Water Hyacinth likes it as warm and humid as possible at its location in the pond

Nursing the water hyacinth in the pond

Whether you really want to maintain water hyacinths in your garden pond, you should think twice. The flowers are beautiful, but develop very rarely outdoors. In addition, the plant tends to proliferate and takes without care to the other pond dwellers all oxygen.

Early article Water hyacinth overwinter properly

The water hyacinth has high standards

Thus, the needs of the water hyacinth in the garden pond can be summarized shortly.

The sunnier the pond, the better the aquatic plant thrives. The water must contain plenty of nutrients and have a pH between 6 and 8. The water temperatures should not fall below 15 degrees.

Shores are suitable for planting. The water hyacinth forms roots that can grow up to 40 centimeters long. In the middle of the pond, the water is usually too deep, so that the plants can anchor themselves in the ground.

In the pond, the aquatic plant rarely flowers

If you let yourself be tempted by the beautiful flowers that look very similar to the spring flower, you will be disappointed.

In the pond, the aquatic plant flowers only very rarely. The reason for this is the low humidity. Only when it is as high as in its native South America, the water hyacinth will bloom.

This climate can hardly be created on a normal garden pond. In the aquarium you get the water hyacinth rather to bloom.

Smooth out water hyacinths regularly

You should never put more than three plants on two square meters into the pond if you also want to care for other plants and above all fish.

Water hyacinths diligently form daughter rosettes, which within a short time are just as big as the mother plant.

The daughter rosettes should get you out of the water regularly. They provide good humus when you dispose of them on the compost.

Water hyacinths can not overwinter outdoors

Water hyacinths are not hardy. They must be wintered in the house from October to May.

Tips & Tricks

There is a good reason to keep water hyacinths in the pond. Since the plants need a lot of nutrients, they are well suited for over-fertilized ponds, in which the algae formation is very high.