The correct planting distance in the Thuja Brabant hedge

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Green Giant Arborvitae (Thuja) in 2 Minutes
Video: Green Giant Arborvitae (Thuja) in 2 Minutes


A planting distance of at least 40cm must be observed

The correct planting distance in the Thuja Brabant hedge

Thuja Brabant is ideal for planting as a hedge. The robust tree of life requires comparatively little space and can be planted quite densely. It therefore forms fast-looking hedges. How big should the planting distance of Thuja Brabant be?

How big should the planting distance of Thuja Brabant be?

Thuja Brabant is very robust and tolerates a smaller planting distance than other thuja varieties such as Thuja emerald.

In the hedge, the planting distance should be between 40 and 60 cm, depending on the size of the young plant. Then the roots of Thuja Brabant still have enough space to spread and the nutrient supply is ensured.

Planting distance to neighboring properties and sidewalks

Thuja Brabant is a Flachwurzler, which forms over time a pronounced root system. There is a risk that paving slabs will be lifted, if that can take a long time. As a precaution, you should maintain a sufficient planting distance to paths and neighboring properties.

Road salt gets the Thuja Brabant not good. For this reason, a greater distance to paths that are scattered in winter makes sense.

Incidentally, you should inform yourself before investing in the Thuja-Hecke, how large the distance from neighboring properties in your community must be. If the hedge is too close to the border, the neighbor may demand that you remove the Thuja hedge again.


Choose a favorable location for your hedge from Thuja Brabant. Once the Tree of Life has properly grown, it is very difficult to replant. The place should be sunny to partially shaded and well drained.