How does the cultivation of St. John's wort succeed?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How does the cultivation of St. John's wort succeed? - Garden
How does the cultivation of St. John's wort succeed? - Garden


St. John's wort is not only a healing plant, it also gives the garden bed a beautiful sunny color

How does the cultivation of St. John's wort succeed?

So far, you only knew it as a dragee from the pharmacy or have you ever bought it in dried form? Then it is high time to grow St. John's wort once in your own garden!

Which location does St. John's wort prefer?

St. John's wort grows best in a sunny and dry location. If there is no more room in the sun, it can also thrive in partial shade.

What features should the substrate have at the site?

The demands on the substrate are extremely low. It is important that the soil is not acidic! Cadmium likes to accumulate in such soils, a poisonous substance that the St. John's wort likes to absorb. Ideally, the flooring has the following properties:

How is the sowing done?

Sowing is very easy. St. John's wort can be sown directly in the field or preferred at home.The period between March and April is optimal for the preculture. Here are some hints:

Which plant neighbors are suitable?

Alongside other medicinal herbs such as mugwort, valerian and comfrey, as well as next to plants such as Erica, Geranium and Waldsauerklee makes St. John's wort much. It is also a perfect neighbor for hedges made of cypress, juniper or privet. It literally makes them shine.

When does this medicinal plant blossom?

Its name is due to its heyday. St. John's wort blooms around the St. John's day. The flowering period usually lasts until July / August. If the withered flowers are cut off, it may come to a re-flowering in September.

When and how is St. John's wort harvested?

At flowering time St. John's wort should be harvested. As groupage the flowers, buds and leaves are considered. Cut off the shoot tips of the plant best with scissors and hang them up in bunches to dry.


You can also buy St. John's wort as a seedling in the gardening market. Then you can plant the herb either in spring or autumn.