Dry fresh walnuts - but in the tumble dryer?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Noisy Tumble Dryer, Rear drum bearing change Candy, Hoover, Iberna, Kelvinator, 03210179
Video: Noisy Tumble Dryer, Rear drum bearing change Candy, Hoover, Iberna, Kelvinator, 03210179


Walnuts should be better dried at low temperatures

Dry fresh walnuts - but in the tumble dryer?

Walnuts are healthy and should have their place on every diet. The easiest way is to buy walnuts. But if you have a walnut tree in the garden, you have to dry your walnut harvest before you can enjoy it.

Different ways to dry walnuts

So that the walnuts collected in September and October do not spoil, you have to dry them and store them optimally. Errors during drying and storage, the nut immediately acknowledges mold growth. There are several ways to dry walnuts:

Read which drying method is best.

Harvest walnuts and prepare to dry

The walnut harvest extends from September to October. During this time, the nuts fall from the tree and should be collected quickly so that moisture can not penetrate. Therefore, walnuts must not be washed after collection. Remove only the green cover, if it still adheres. If the nuts are dirty, it is enough to brush them off with a vegetable brush.

Dry walnuts in the air

Store your walnuts in a dry place and allow to air dry. This method takes time but is free. Best suited for this is a dry, cool cellar. Place the walnuts on newspaper or a special dehydrator rack and apply the nuts at regular intervals. The air can circulate around the nuts and after about 14 days they are dry.

Dry walnuts in the dehydrator

While dehydrated tomatoes have many advantages in the drying of fruits and herbs, they are only to be used in exceptional cases when drying walnuts.
Dehydrators work in a temperature range from 30 degrees. This temperature is too high for the oily nuts, they would go rancid. Dry walnuts only at low temperatures around 15 degrees.

Dry walnuts in the tumble dryer or oven

The walnut oil will quickly turn rancid and spoil the nuts at higher temperatures. Therefore, it is not recommended to dry walnuts in the tumble dryer or in the oven. The oven starts with a degree of 50, the dryer is usually even warmer. At such a high temperature, only the nutshell would dry, the inner core would remain moist and quickly mold.