Properly plant woodruff in the garden

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Best Way to Grow Moss in the Garden 🧙🔮🎭 3 Methods Compared


Properly plant woodruff in the garden

The woodruff as an ancient medicinal and aromatic plant can be seen and collected in many regions on spring walks through the forest. You can also plant it in the pot or under a tree garden.

Next article The right care for the woodruff

Where can you get plants from the woodruff?

If you know places with dense woodruff in the surrounding woods, with the consent of the landlord, you can carefully dig up some plants and transplant them to a shady spot in the garden on a not too hot day. Many specialized markets for garden plants are managed by Waldmeister in the kitchen herbs department. But it can also be pulled out of semen relatively easily.

What is the perfect location for the woodruff?

The woodruff bears his name rightly, because he is a typical forest plant. It therefore grows exclusively in mostly shady locations and does not tolerate strong sunlight. This is also associated with the fact that the woodruff is dependent on a uniform water supply and tolerates too strong dehydration of the soil only bad. In the garden, you can grow the woodruff well under shrubs and trees or in shady positioned pot.

When should woodruff be sown or brought forward?

The woodruff is a frost germ, so sowing should be done between September and December. A preference in the pot usually makes little sense, because the delicate roots of the woodruff can be easily injured when transplanting.

How can woodruff be multiplied?

If you want to plant the woodruff properly, you should give him enough space in the garden bed or in the pot. The woodruff will then reproduce itself by self-sowing after the first flowering and through the roots.

When should the woodruff be harvested?

The best time to harvest Woodruff is in April and May, when the coumarin content is even lower before the upcoming flowering period. Then try the processing to delicious dishes such as:

Which earth is suitable for woodruff?

As a forest plant, the woodruff requires a loose and humus soil, which can store moisture well.

Tips & Tricks

Fertilization is generally not required at the woodruff. As nutrient supply at its location, it suffices to cover the woodruff with a layer of leaves in autumn, which then decomposes until spring.