Hibernate the wax flower properly

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Amaryllis Done Blooming? Here’s What to Do // Garden Answer
Video: Amaryllis Done Blooming? Here’s What to Do // Garden Answer


The porcelain flower needs warm even in winter

Hibernate the wax flower properly

The shrubby or climbing waking species of wax flowers originally come from tropical latitudes. Therefore, the Hoya species also distributed as porcelain flower are usually cultivated as indoor plants, they can not be overwintered in the garden.

The right conditions for the wintering of the wax flower

In the specialized trade, the following varieties of wax flower are sold in the first place:

While the two former species are optimally wintered during the "rest period" at temperatures around 15 degrees Celsius, it likes the latter at about 18 degrees Celsius a bit warmer. Therefore, most living rooms are not very suitable as winter quarters. Better are the slightly cooler temperatures in a bright staircase or storeroom, where the plants can still occasionally be poured and get no cold breeze.

Nursing during the winter time

The winter time is a kind of resting phase for the wax flower. Therefore, should be poured sparingly during this time and preferably not fertilized.


The best time for repotting and waxing is the spring.