Viburnum tinus - with this care have long pleasure in him

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The evergreen snowball does not like dryness

Viburnum tinus - with this care have long pleasure in him

In winter, it is the bright white flowers, in summer the blood red berries that make Viburnum tinus a gem and eye-catcher. Its location tolerance is also convincing. But how is it ordered in the care? Which aspects are decisive?

Next article What matters when cutting Viburnum tinus?

Does the Mediterranean snowball need winter protection?

Viburnum tinus is considered to be badly hardy. Consequently, this plant is only suitable for mild regions or should basically only be planted in the tub and set in winter.

How to protect the plant from cold:

How often should you water this plant?

The soil should be kept moist and must not dry out. With a layer of bark mulch in the root area you protect the plant from dryness. In addition, you should water them after planting in the first few weeks and with prolonged dryness and heat. Container plants should be regularly checked for sufficient moisture!

What is important when fertilizing?

Even if this evergreen snowball blooms in winter, no fertilization should be done at this time. It would hurt him more in the winter than it would help. Occasionally, the plant can be fertilized between March and August. Plants in the bucket should be supplied sparingly with a complete fertilizer every 2 weeks.

How and when do you cut Viburnum tinus?

Inevitably, it is not necessary to cut this evergreen snowball. All by itself, it preserves its naturally beautiful habit. Only if you are displeased with a few shoots, if you are outdated and weak in flowers, frostbitten or sick, you should pull out the scissors. The best time came in March after flowering.


In the bucket the Mediterranean snowball tolerates a temperature minimum of -5 ° C. Protect him from frost early so that he does not freeze!