Build Scarifiers yourself - Tips & Tricks for DIY

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Build Scarifiers yourself - Tips & Tricks for DIY - Garden
Build Scarifiers yourself - Tips & Tricks for DIY - Garden


A shoe with tines on it is a great scarifier

Build Scarifiers yourself - Tips & Tricks for DIY

Home gardeners with a penchant for self-built garden tools do not think about investing in a costly scarifier. With a little imagination, the existing machinery will be expanded to include a self-made scarifier. This guide explains what a scarifier must do. Rummage through tips, tricks and ideas for DIY.

What must a scarifier be able to do?

The motto "Without moss" is refuted twice in the garden when a thrifty house gardener with do-it-yourself skills works here. To scarify the mossy lawn and turn it into a representative green area, do not dig deep into your pocket. Rather, resourceful gardeners construct the useful device itself. The following work must be done by a scarifier:

Furthermore, a scarifier should be able to move evenly across the lawn, either with muscle or motor power. Weatherproof construction materials are recommended for the unit to fulfill its task for many years.

Ideas for a scarifier brand self-made

Proud owners of a lawn tractor solve the problem quite simply. A disused seedbed harrow or meadow train is simply converted into a scarifier. On the Internet, farmers regularly offer used harrows for little money. Towing and harrowing are equipped with spikes or tines as well as a suspension device.

The device is attached to the lawn tractor and pulled over the mossy lawn. For the most part, moss and weeds cling to the spines. The rest of the clippings are then returned to the rake. Meadow towing has the additional advantage that unevenness, such as molehills, are compensated. After scarifying, we recommend reseeding, so that bald spots close quickly.


A self-made scaler does not meet the high expectations unless it is used at the right time. Scarify the mossy lawn if the soil temperature is at least 8 degrees Celsius and there are no frosty temperatures to worry about. Primarily, no rain should have fallen in the previous two days.