From seed pull new Venus fly traps

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Potting Venus Fly Traps in New Zealand long fiber sphagnum
Video: Potting Venus Fly Traps in New Zealand long fiber sphagnum


The Venus flytrap can also be pulled from seeds

From seed pull new Venus fly traps

When the flower of a Venus flytrap is fertilized, many of the small black seeds form in it. From these you can grow new plants. How to harvest the seeds and how to breed Venus fly traps.

So pollinate the flowers of a Venus flytrap

The flower of the Venus flytrap is hermaphrodite. The pollination is done by insects. Even in closed rooms usually enough pollinators are available.

For safety's sake, you can pollinate the flowers themselves. For this you need a fine brush or a cotton swab. Drive with brush or chopsticks over the stamens of each flower. Repeat this process several times.

It takes some time for the flower to bloom and the fruit capsules containing the black seed develop.

Harvest and store seeds of the Venus flytrap

When the flower is dry, there are several ways to harvest the seed:

Since Venus fly traps are cold germs, you must store them cool after harvesting. Put it in an opaque paper bag in the vegetable compartment of your refrigerator. They stay there until the time for sowing in spring comes.

Sow Venus Flytrap Seeds

At the beginning of March it is time to sow the seeds of the Venus flytrap. Prepare pots that are filled with a mixture of two-thirds peat and one-third sand. The substrate must be well moistened.

Sprinkle the seeds thinly and squeeze gently. Venus fly traps are light germs, so the seeds should not be covered with substrate.

Keep the pots as sunny and protected from drafts as possible. To maintain the humidity, professionals recommend covering the pots with plastic wrap or glass panes.

Maintain seeds until germination

Make sure that the surface and thus the seeds do not dry out. Spray it more often with a fine stream of rainwater. However, the substrate should not be too moist.

When you have covered the pots, ventilate them regularly so that seeds and substrate can not rot.Make sure the pots get enough light.

Fresh seeds should be germinated after three weeks. If it takes longer, it is probably old seed that may not germinate. After emergence, separate the small plantlets. Larger copies should be placed carefully in their own pots. They are now being cared for like adult Venus fly traps.

Several years pass before the first flower

It takes several years for the plants, which have been propagated from seeds, to flower for the first time. Most flowers develop after four years.


Of the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) there is only one species, no subspecies or varieties. So you can not breed different species, but only multiply the plant.