How to plant the chain link fence?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Landscaping Along A Chain Link Fence
Video: Landscaping Along A Chain Link Fence


Climbing roses decorate bare wire mesh fences

How to plant the chain link fence?

Wire mesh fences are often used as a property boundary because they are cheap and easy to set up. However, they are not opaque. Therefore, many home gardeners come up with the idea to plant their chain link fence. Which plants are suitable and what you should pay attention to, you will find below.

Climbers for the chainlink fence

The most beautiful solution for planting a chain link fence is climbing plants. The advantage of the chain link fence: All types of climbing plants are suitable, because it provides support for self-climbing and needy climbers. It is important that the chain link fence is well anchored and stable so that it can support the weight of the climbing plants. If this is not the case, only light and not woody climbing plants should be used. When choosing, consider the following:

Evergreen climbing plants for the chain link fence

Flowering climbing plants for the chainlink fence

Although evergreen climbers offer a nice visual protection in winter, they usually do not bloom that well. If you can do without winter protection, you can plant one of the following, beautifully flowering climbing plants on its chain link fence:


If your chain link fence is old and frail, it is better to use high-altitude perennials such as larkspur, popsails or bushes to plant it.