Violet species - an overview of the most important representatives

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Violet - Viola spp. - Doctrine of Signatures - March 2022
Video: Violet - Viola spp. - Doctrine of Signatures - March 2022


The scented violets were among the best known violet species

Violet species - an overview of the most important representatives

Violet is not the same violet. Above all, the perfume violets, pansies and horn violets are known. But these are by no means all species. Here you gain a comprehensive overview of the most important representatives.

Next article Violets and their heyday - different from species to species

The best known 3 types

The violets represent a genus within the plant family of violet plants. Worldwide, there are more than 500 species of them. They mainly colonize the temperate latitudes of the earth. In particular, the fragrance violets (Viola odorata) are known. Like their name, they smell strong. They bloom between March and May and show violet-colored flowers.

The horned violas (Viola cornuta) look quite different. They smell fragile and bloom between April and October. From them there are numerous cultivars, which can be in the most different colors and also multicolored.

The third known violet is the garden pansy. It is very similar to horned violet. But his flowers are bigger. Also from him there are a lot of different colored cultivars on the market.

Although less known, but still interesting

Here are further species with their flower color, flowering time and other characteristics:

Low Violets, Feather Violets, Penny-leaved Violets, Pyrenees Violets, Blue Violets, Wild Pansies, Moor Violets, Field Pansies, Yellow Violets, Longsporn Violets, Hill Violets, High Violets, and Wonder Violets should not remain unmentioned ...

Particularities of violets

Violets are important as ornamental plants, medicinal plants, kitchen plants and perfumery. The ornamental representatives, who like to be planted in gardens, are for example the grove violet 'Purpurea' and the pentecostals 'Albiflora' and 'Freckles'. All violets are between 5 and 10 cm high, are persistent and form foothills. They have long stalked leaves.

The flowers are always fünfzählig and capsule fruits are formed from them. The flowering time is different from violets to violets. All species are edible, rich in vitamin C, salicylic acid and essential oils.

Tips & Tricks

The poisonous and popular as houseplants African violets do not belong to the genus of violets.