Are African violets poisonous or not?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Are African Violets Poisonous to Dogs?
Video: Are African Violets Poisonous to Dogs?


The African Violet is slightly toxic

Are African violets poisonous or not?

Nice to look at, they are already, the African violets. But are they completely safe? Can you be left unconscious at your location or are you poisonous?

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Toxic to one person and non-toxic to another

For adults, the consumption of African Violets is harmless. They contain no toxic components. But infants and cats should beware of them. Above all, preferred African violets are often contaminated with pesticides and fungicides. They should not be eaten.

Anyone who only comes into contact with the plant parts, for example when repotting, has nothing to fear. However, over-consumption of African Violets can result in the following symptoms in susceptible people:

Tips & Tricks

Put your African Violet on a regular control look! Sometimes leaves or flowers fall off and land on the ground. There they are easily accessible for cats and toddlers.