Taking care of immortality is easy

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
《永生》第1话: 偷师学艺 【加入会员专享最新集】
Video: 《永生》第1话: 偷师学艺 【加入会员专享最新集】


The immortality herb grows well in the garden and on the balcony

Taking care of immortality is easy

In Asia, the immortality herb (Gynostemma pentaphyllum), which is called Jiaogulan in the trade, enjoys great popularity. In this country, more and more gardeners are building the strong climbing vine. The care is not complex and you get a very decorative ornamental plant for terrace or balcony.

Can immortality be pulled in the bucket?

Immortality herb can be grown directly in the garden bed. It is easier, however, to pull the plant in the bucket.

As it forms very long tendrils, it needs a climbing aid when you pull it on the balcony or the terrace.

How is immortality herb poured?

The soil should always be slightly moist without causing waterlogging. In the garden, casting is usually not necessary. Maintain immortality herb in the tub, pour regularly in summer, in winter only so that the substrate does not dry out completely.

Is fertilization necessary?

Whether fertilizer is necessary, the ghosts divorced. In the garden, it is certainly enough if you occasionally give some ripe compost. In the bucket pulled plants you should provide with sticks or slow-release fertilizer.

Is immortality herb cut?

You do not have to cut the immortality herb. If the tendrils are too long, you can shorten them in the leaf axils.

Do you need to repot immortality herb?

Immortality herb infects in winter. After the winter break you should check if the plant still has enough space. If necessary, remove it from the pot, shake off the old substrate and place it in a slightly larger pot filled with fresh soil.

After repotting, you must not fertilize the plant for several weeks!

Which diseases and pests occur?

Diseases only occur if the substrate is too moist or too dry.

Pests are very rare. Watch for aphids.

How do you care for immortality in winter?

Immortality herb is considered hardy. The plant moves in the autumn and drives out again in the spring. Winter protection is not essential. It does not hurt, however, if you cover the planting place with some foliage or brushwood.

In the bucket cultivated immortality herb should be hibernate in a frost-free location.


Immortality herb is very easy to multiply itself. The propagation takes place via cuttings, sinkers or the removal of rhizomes. However, sowing is difficult and often does not work.