Tulips and Daffodils: Can the Two Become Friends?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting Tulips and Daffodils
Video: Planting Tulips and Daffodils


Tulips and daffodils are not compatible

Tulips and Daffodils: Can the Two Become Friends?

Spring is here! Now is the time to put a colorful bouquet in the house. How about bright yellow daffodils and fiery red tulips? This idea should be reconsidered ...

Tulips and daffodils are not compatible in a vase

If there are tulips in the vase with daffodils, the tulips will be left behind and soon their heads will hang. Why? The daffodils but a slimy juice from. This juice clogs the channels of the tulips. As a result, the tulips can no longer absorb water and wither.

Tricks to make the daffodils for the tulips harmless

But there are two tricks on how tulips can stand together with daffodils in a vase without suffering from the slimy sap of the daffodils:

In the 2nd variant you should wash off the stems after the 24 h. Then the daffodils come to the tulips. But beware: The daffodils must not be re-cut. Otherwise, they start to slim again.

Tulips and daffodils have different location requirements

Tulips and daffodils should not be planted together in a bed. While tulips are moderately dry, narcissi prefer a moist environment. Tulips would go into a too moist substrate. There her onion is rotten. On the other hand, narcissus bulbs have no problem with moist locations such as at the edge of the pond.

Both early bloomers are poisonous

One feature that unites both early-flowering plants is their toxicity. Daffodils, like tulips, are poisonous in all parts of plants. Both humans and animals should refrain from eating. Otherwise it can come to serious poisoning up to the death.

Tips & Tricks

Not only tulips, but other cut flowers do not like to be together with daffodils and suffer from their neighborhood. The slimy sap leaves the other cut flowers to wither quickly.